Facebook Marketing Boosts Referrals Ten Fold
Don’t think that Facebook is important for your Dental practice? Think twice. Facebook is currently the most popular form of Social Media available and while most Dental patients are teenagers, so are most Facebook users. Let us help you take advantage of this no-brainer marketing tool and maximize your referral potential today!
Dentist Marketing has 20 years of Marketing expertise to help you expand your clientele through Social Media Marketing. When your patients “like” your Facebook with a simple click of a mouse, it will be shared in their news feed and has the capacity to be seen by all of their Facebook friends. The more “likes” that your page receives, the more relevant it will be in the news feed of others. This will ultimately help you gain popularity through Social Media, which is just ONE of the Online Marketing tools that we use to optimize the overall revenue of your Dental practice. We have the necessary tools to customize your Facebook for your practice so that you stand out among others in your area. Sound good? Contact us today! Call us at (914) 788-1555.