Tips for Better Social Media Marketing For Your Dental Practice

Social media marketing involves several innovative marketing techniques to bring your goods and services to the consumer but there are also several other ways to bolster your marketing efforts. Here a few tips to help guide your marketing process:

-Ask questions to your audience and identify who they really are. Get to know your target market. As a dentist on social media you should always be able to express who your target market is and what they want.

-Give other industry experts recognition and support. After possibly reading one of their blog post’s share it and praise their work. These experts would then become far more likely to share your work on their much larger, better connected accounts.

-Don’t be afraid to use paid advertising. It works. Promoted tweets on Twitter are guaranteed to make your information reach a wider audience. It’s just simple probability that with a greater audience you are more likely to have better use of that marketing.

-Tag people who are involved with your content. You can give thanks to people who shared by tagging them in each articles post. If another individual aided in the production of a post or blog, add them too. It’s nice to develop a sense of social community where people praise each other for the work they produce.

For more information or to get started working with Dentist Marketing call us at (914)788-1555.

Plain and simple, SEO is essential for online visibility and marketing. Nearly every person will Google a practice that provides a certain service before ever actually using that practice. Most consumers will look at all the businesses that can be found on the first page of Google, and decide from there. If your business populates on the second, third, fourth page on Google, you are not being seen. You can lose an untold number of customers by not being seen on Google, and your business will surely suffer. A recent study found that out of 20,000 United States small businesses including medical practices that 19% of all leads were generated by SEO and those sites ranking higher on Google. This is a very significant figure. 1 in 5 leads are generated by good SEO so that could also mean you are missing out on many more potential leads by lacking a SEO plan.

Online marketers are often asked of creating an SEO plan before anything else. SEO is such a primary concern because it can be so influential on building business more customers, and practices more patients. SEO is also considered the driving factor to generate more web traffic.

For more information on creating successful online marketing plans and better SEO tactics, please contact Dentist Marketing. Contact us through our website or call us at (914)788-1555.