Why is SEO a Necessity For Your Dental Practice

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the practice of attaining higher placement on Google results pages through online marketing techniques such as blogging and creating landing pages. Many people understand what SEO is, but do not understand the critical importance of being visible for online marketing purposes.

The vast majority of prospective patients will Google a specific practice or type of service before ever going to the business. If your business cannot be easily found through Google searches, your competition will certainly have an advantage over you. Don’t lose any business to your competitors so this should be a primary reason for you to create an SEO strategy today.

Additionally, higher placement on Google result pages will reflect more highly on the quality of your practice. Businesses that are consistently on the top of Google results will appear to be more professional, better run businesses because of the frequency in which they are on top. A good, well run business will be complimented by high ranking Google results.

For more information please contact Dentist Marketing at (914)788-1555. We have the SEO experts who will bring your business to page one of Google results. Get started today.

SEO can be tricky to perform on your own, and it can be easy to make mistakes once you are starting out. This, of course is the reason why you should outsource to an agency like Dentist Marketing before you even start and possibly damage your online presence. So, when attempting to improve your performance and placement on search engines, DO NOT attempt to do any of the following; no matter how tempting it may be.

1. Ignore mobile sites. Your business must absolutely have a mobile website to attract and connect with customers across all platforms. Your SEO is especially important on mobile devices when consumers are searching rather quickly and will pick the highest most desirable result. Visibility is essential for online marketing, so to make your practice visible on all platforms is essential.

2. Duplicate pages, blogs or re-use the same old content. Your website will begin to be marked as SPAM and not look as good with many duplicate, look alike pages circulating out on the web. It may seem unreasonable to keep creating new content to rank higher on search engines, but that is what it takes to have effective SEO strategy.

3. Simply not know how to perform most SEO functions. For example, individuals often assume that most search terms in Google are quite short and broad. “Dentists NY” for example. But this couldn’t be farther from the truth. People more often search for terms like “Dentists who offer invisalign, White Plains NY”. This causes a whole different approach to the blogging and landing pages as part of SEO strategy.

For more information to create a stronger online marketing strategy, contact Dentist Marketing. We have a great team of experts who will do all they can to help grow your practice through online marketing. Call us at (914)788-1555.