Social Media Marketing and Why It Works for Your Dental Practice

Social media has found its way into just about every part of modern business and media. The NFL now encourages viewers to tweet about the game, and news networks ask viewers to comment on their stories online. Your dental practice has no excuse to avoid social media. In order to effectively grow you need to build and engage an audience. Social media sets itself apart from other marketing platforms because of your ability to build an audience on social media. Look at lots of major corporations that are very active in online marketing. Take Apple for example. Steve Jobs has built a collection of very engaged followers/fans before he passed away. This was mostly due to social media. You can do this to an extent, and not only create fans but fanatics for your business. It may sound ridiculous, but thousands of people became crazed over computers and cell phones and that seems unlikely but it was done. Why can’t people get crazed about your practice?

If you want to get started social media marketing for your dental practice, you absolutely must contact the experts at Dentist Marketing. For more information please contact us through our website. or call us at (914)788-1555.

Social media is a great platform to market your practice online. Of course marketing should primarily appeal to the consumer but you cannot ignore that you can also greatly benefit from connecting with other businesses. Networking with your customers is very beneficial and essential but when you develop relationships with other businesses you are creating a professional network. In this network you can promote each others goods or services. At the very least, it is important for other businesses to at least have a basic understanding of what your business does that way they can refer you to other customers through word of mouth. In addition, you can form valuable partnerships through social media connections with other businesses.

You may already realize, when you partner with another business and begin to promote one another, you can reach a vastly larger audience. The overall goal of marketing is to become more visible and expand your reach and you can certainly do this through social media marketing and online business partnerships. For more information please call the Dentist Marketing at (914)788-1555.

Social media marketing involves several innovative marketing techniques to bring your goods and services to the consumer but there are also several other ways to bolster your marketing efforts. Here a few tips to help guide your marketing process:

-Ask questions to your audience and identify who they really are. Get to know your target market. As a dentist on social media you should always be able to express who your target market is and what they want.

-Give other industry experts recognition and support. After possibly reading one of their blog post’s share it and praise their work. These experts would then become far more likely to share your work on their much larger, better connected accounts.

-Don’t be afraid to use paid advertising. It works. Promoted tweets on Twitter are guaranteed to make your information reach a wider audience. It’s just simple probability that with a greater audience you are more likely to have better use of that marketing.

-Tag people who are involved with your content. You can give thanks to people who shared by tagging them in each articles post. If another individual aided in the production of a post or blog, add them too. It’s nice to develop a sense of social community where people praise each other for the work they produce.

For more information or to get started working with Dentist Marketing call us at (914)788-1555.

If you haven’t found out already, managing social media for even a small practice can be very time consuming. In order to balance social media and regular work for your practice, it essential to plan each one out properly. If you can afford it, it can be very beneficial to hire a social media expert to manage the pages for your business. An expert in this position can have social media be their sole responsibility and this where social media marketing is very likely to be performed responsibly and correctly. But if hiring someone is not a viable option, a few steps for better social media planning are as follows.

-First, you should obviously make a general plan of how many Tweets and Facebook posts you will send out daily/weekly and at what times. Create a calendar or schedule to facilitate planning efforts of social media.

-Generate engaging content in one sitting and schedule it. Conjure up some creative energy and begin generating interesting content for your practice that can be used over the course of the next two weeks. Schedule this content out and don’t worry about producing more content for a while.

-Create branded pages and always try to integrate some aspect of your “brand” into each post. Creating interested, loyal followers is essential for social media success, so get started in creating fans over followers.

For more information get started with Dentist Marketing. Give us a call at (914)788-1555.

Social media marketing is a great way to grow your practice online. You can also turn interested and loyal customers into passionate fans who really care about your business. Social media marketing can become very time consuming and will yield great results, but a few general rules are as follows.

-Use heavy amounts of visual content. Visual content is more easily absorbed than words. Pictures truly do mean 1000 words when it comes to social media marketing. Pictures draw consumers in and can be a great tool to convey new information.

-Try to encourage user generated content or reviews. When your users engage with your brand over social media, you are building a community. An online community is very positive for your business. It will create brand advocates who truly care and want the best out of your business.

Engage and connect with your patients. Your customers will appreciate when you connect with them. And it looks great for your practice to have a business owner who will interact and take interest in your patient’s experience.

For more information on expert social media marketing strategy get started by contacting Dentist Marketing today at (914)788-1555.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the practice of attaining higher placement on Google results pages through online marketing techniques such as blogging and creating landing pages. Many people understand what SEO is, but do not understand the critical importance of being visible for online marketing purposes.

The vast majority of prospective patients will Google a specific practice or type of service before ever going to the business. If your business cannot be easily found through Google searches, your competition will certainly have an advantage over you. Don’t lose any business to your competitors so this should be a primary reason for you to create an SEO strategy today.

Additionally, higher placement on Google result pages will reflect more highly on the quality of your practice. Businesses that are consistently on the top of Google results will appear to be more professional, better run businesses because of the frequency in which they are on top. A good, well run business will be complimented by high ranking Google results.

For more information please contact Dentist Marketing at (914)788-1555. We have the SEO experts who will bring your business to page one of Google results. Get started today.

Content marketing is continually being seen as the new manner in which people market their business online. Social media marketing utilizes content marketing as a way to visually connect consumers with your business. For better content marketing, be sure to do the following:

-Write keyword rich headlines and titles that will cause people to want to open and read. Include phrases like “How to” that will give readers a clear idea of what the blog accomplishes.

-Create long posts that provide lots of interesting information and fully accomplish the task in your title.

-Develop a style to your content and blogs. Make your blogs conversational and engage your customers. Make your customers more interested in your blog and the services you are providing.

For more information please contact Dentist Marketing. Dentist Marketing is a full service marketing agency that will market your business online using a variety of techniques. Give us a call at (914)788-1555.

Social media functions as an open forum of discussion between a business and its customers. Or in the case of an dental practice, a discussion between doctor and patient. On this open forum, patients very often will voice concern, complaints or distaste for various aspects of the practice. This is where having a customer relation strategy already in place will pay off. Customer Relation Management or CRM, is the strategy a business will use to manage relations with customers that are active on social media. Customer relations is a huge part of business that will either draw more customers back or push customers away.

-Choose one primary platform to do most customer support discussions. Comments and concerns should be kept separate from other channels where marketing is the primary concern.

-Prioritize and stay on top of questions and complaints. All customers on social media have the potential to hurt your business if you do not resolve their complaint in a proper manner. Deal with issues in keeping in mind that time is short in responding to the patients complaints. Don’t just bet on the patient being relaxed and calm about dealing with the issue. They may in fact be very indignant about the issue they are having.

-Measure your data and keep records of all issues you respond to. As data accumulates look at how quickly you respond to your patients on average. Look at the kind of responses you get from patients based on how quickly you respond and what kind of incentives you offer to resolve the issue. Learn what works and what does not. There is always going to be exceptions, but generally dealing with patients issues will have some sort of recognizable formula or pattern after awhile.

For more information about social media marketing and other forms of online marketing please contact Dentist Marketing at (914)788-1555.

Social media marketing for business can be a little tricky especially if you aren’t too sure how to do it. A few mistakes can still land your business in worse starting ground than when you started. This is why it is very important to outsource with a professional like Dentist Marketing. Since many individuals have a lot of preconceived notions about social media, many people often make similar mistakes. In our experience, the top 5 mistakes that individuals make when social media marketing are:

1. Not integrating with enough platforms or assets. Just having a Facebook or Twitter is not enough for your business. Have an account set up on each and every social media platform.

2. Using an inconsistent voice, or changing personality too often. Social media should reflect your personality as a business owner as well. Let your consumers get an idea of what kind of person you are, as well as business owner.

3. Not using enough images. Visual stimulation is imperative to social media marketing the proper way. Your images should be interesting and entice your consumers, so without images you have a much less interesting social media profile.

4. Not engaging your customers. On social media, it is essential to be SOCIAL. Engage your customers and build an online community. Your customers should feel wanted on social media, and have a strong connection with your business and page.

5. Provide no interesting content or INCENTIVES. You need to- initially at least, create an incentive for consumers to be a follower on your social media page. And also, you absolutely must provide interesting content that consumers want to see.

For more expertise on social media marketing, please contact Dentist Marketing at (914)788-1555.